Happy New Year! 2018 is the year of double portion for those that trust the Lord and serve Him! Many of you might not realize this.... but it is biblical and its prophesy too! I won't get into that here but you can always google it and find out more. What does that have to do with small businesses? Well everything! When you own a small business you look for something that will encourage you to stay focused, to stay ahead of the game and to trust God in all that it takes to run a small business these days.
I've gaged the economy and its lacking in so many areas....its almost impossible to stay afloat in some industries. I don't ponder too much on those reports because the report I listen to is the Report of the Lord. I look to him to guide me in my endeavors! I want to thank each and every one of you that have made a purchase online and in my store this past year! I truly am grateful for your business and love that you support me in my little boutique! I pray for all my customers and ask the Lord to also give them a double portion this year!
God has been faithful and I've found that He has me in this place to teach me new things, to allow me to meet new Women, to allow me to pray with anyone that enters my little shop that is in much need of prayer or a listening ear...
I'm learning how to listen and ask the right questions...
It was a good first year at this location, Karen the owner of the house where I am located is an amazing business women and I appreciate her wisdom! I have found in her someone that I can go to when I need to be prayed over. She is a new constant in my life when I've lost so many friends that just got too busy with life... God always sends you someone when you need it the most...
Back to small businesses: "You need a lot of passion for what you're doing because it's so hard," Steve Jobs once said. "Without passion, any rational person would give up."
This is the truth...
- 70% of small business are owned and operated by one single person
- Small businesses pay 44% of US Payroll
- Only 50% of businesses survive 5 years...though most 70% hit the 2 year mark
- If a small business can't resume operations within 10 days after a natural disaster it probably won't survive.
- A small business went bankrupt every 8 minutes in 2009
- Only 2% of small businesses are franchises, most 54% are home based.
- 60 to 80% of all new jobs come from small businesses
I am grateful and I hope you realize that by shopping at Lovely Loft you are supporting Women in Small Business, you are supporting a dream.
In our little house on brooks street, we have 2 hairstylist - Karen and Georgina who are so gifted and have been serving the community for 17 years! We also have Miraya, our very own Facial expert! She creates a beautiful environment for you....
Then of course you have my little corner that I believe is a sweet and gracious environment that I've created to make you feel at home and shop quietly with a peaceful experience each time!
I pray 2018 will also be a good year for Lovely Loft....it will be our 2nd year and only time will tell if we make it....so far so good!
Ruth's Blog
A follower of Christ's perspective on Fashion, Life and Culture
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Thursday, December 21, 2017
We are but a few days away from Christmas and the world is moving at a fast pace.....families are vacationing, some are shopping, some are facing illnesses, people are losing their jobs, some have lost their homes and the news we receive trickles down to us at an enormous pace. We can hardly breathe with all the changes in our world...
We need to slow down our world. I urge you to consider sitting still without your phone, or TV on and just breathe in and out for a bit and mediate on The Lord. He is waiting for us always and we rush by him everyday.
Today I chose to slow down my day....I was awaken by my granddaughter who wanted me to run downstairs to look for "Candy Cane", he is their "Elf on a shelf". Somehow he followed the girls to Pop and Yaya's house (thats us) during their sleepover. I first asked her to jump into my bed for a minute and we snuggled. Then we went down to look for this mischievous elf that big sister had already strategically placed on our coffee table for Elly to see. Our little Elly is 6 years old and she is still our baby girl in the family. The excitement of finding Candy Cane is so real. She squealed when she saw him! I just felt joy watching her innocent face...
I then had my cup of coffee and Miss Elly had hot camomile tea (she is very english). The next few hours we went out for breakfast and then a little christmas ornament shopping. We also stopped by the Dollar store and the girls each picked up some fun trinkets. We spent the rest of the day simply playing. It was a very sweet day filled with laughter, squeals and love. I'm so glad I placed everything I needed to do aside and just enjoy the day!
This made me reflect, and I picture Jesus waiting for me and when I come over to his presence he lays everything aside and spends the day with me. He watches me with pure joy and I feel at rest in his presence...
We have chosen to slow this week down...spend time with Jesus in many different ways. One new tradition is that on Christmas Eve we will stop as a family and partake in what we Christians should do regularly and that is in observing "Communion".
What is communion? It is a fellowship of believers by which they gather together to remember the sacrifice of the LORD Jesus Christ. ... It is a remembrance of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Communion uses bread as a symbol for Jesus’ body and wine as a symbol for His blood. ..
It is also a time when we should reflect on his return for us...
I would like to encourage you to have communion this Christmas...
Lets remember Him, after all isn't this season really about Jesus?
Merry Christmas!
We need to slow down our world. I urge you to consider sitting still without your phone, or TV on and just breathe in and out for a bit and mediate on The Lord. He is waiting for us always and we rush by him everyday.
Today I chose to slow down my day....I was awaken by my granddaughter who wanted me to run downstairs to look for "Candy Cane", he is their "Elf on a shelf". Somehow he followed the girls to Pop and Yaya's house (thats us) during their sleepover. I first asked her to jump into my bed for a minute and we snuggled. Then we went down to look for this mischievous elf that big sister had already strategically placed on our coffee table for Elly to see. Our little Elly is 6 years old and she is still our baby girl in the family. The excitement of finding Candy Cane is so real. She squealed when she saw him! I just felt joy watching her innocent face...
I then had my cup of coffee and Miss Elly had hot camomile tea (she is very english). The next few hours we went out for breakfast and then a little christmas ornament shopping. We also stopped by the Dollar store and the girls each picked up some fun trinkets. We spent the rest of the day simply playing. It was a very sweet day filled with laughter, squeals and love. I'm so glad I placed everything I needed to do aside and just enjoy the day!
This made me reflect, and I picture Jesus waiting for me and when I come over to his presence he lays everything aside and spends the day with me. He watches me with pure joy and I feel at rest in his presence...
We have chosen to slow this week down...spend time with Jesus in many different ways. One new tradition is that on Christmas Eve we will stop as a family and partake in what we Christians should do regularly and that is in observing "Communion".
What is communion? It is a fellowship of believers by which they gather together to remember the sacrifice of the LORD Jesus Christ. ... It is a remembrance of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Communion uses bread as a symbol for Jesus’ body and wine as a symbol for His blood. ..
It is also a time when we should reflect on his return for us...
I would like to encourage you to have communion this Christmas...
Lets remember Him, after all isn't this season really about Jesus?
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Social Media is really "Non-Social"
There are nights that my thoughts keep me awake....I've been mulling this social media aspect of our lives and i've come to the conclusion that this really is a "non-Social" outlet. For those of us out there that know what it is to live without social media, in other words we have lived in this world when this was not in existence, I think it was a better world then, don't you? Although there are some advantages of Facebook, it keeps family and friends connected through comments and pictures but for the most part I think it is creating a world full of "Non Social" individuals.
Facebooks allows individuals that are socially awkward to connect with many different people and never leave the comfort of their home or phone. The reality of this is that you are still alone in your home and your relationship is with your phone! Yet you follow their pictures, their comments or the articles they post etc. You are deceived thinking that you know someone because you follow them on social media.
We are allowing our relationships to not go beyond the posts. We get our fill of information on family and friends by looking at their Facebook walls so there is no need to call them because you just liked their pics or posts or made a comment and you feel you are up to date with their lives. All the while again being deceived that you have a relationship with them.
The other issue is that people will judge you based on posts, articles, pictures etc. and never once did you have a real conversation about any of it...
One funny thing is when you run into someone that follows you and they mentioned something you posted weeks ago and you don't even remember it anymore! Then there is the person that doesn't like what you post and all of a sudden they stop all form of connection and you feel the cold shoulder loud and clear, or you see them like everyone else's comment or pictures but never yours. Then there is the other side where people get their feelings hurt if you don't like or comment or re paste something... Its all so crazy to me...
Don't get me wrong, I love that we have Face book because I use it as a tool to keep informed and I love seeing all the pictures of my family members that are so spread out and far away. I also love that I'm connected with friends that are all over the world whom otherwise I would never have known what is going on in their lives. Ah... But, the people in my life that I love and have a relationship with, FB is not my connection to them. I see them regularly, I have coffee or lunch or dinner with them or I speak to them over the phone and have actual conversations.
For many Facebook is depriving them of actual face to face interaction. Its creating a generation that is lacking social skills... an inability to speak to someone directly and see their expressions and recognize what those expressions mean. Many young people never make eye contact anymore because they are used to looking down at their phones for their "conversations".
We are losing the actual social encounter...
Then when we are in a setting with people around many are constantly looking at their phone instead of being present!
What you see on Facebook in terms of comments and pictures etc....is just a glimpse of someone's life and many times its not accurately represented. Its a moment of a day and a fleeting moment at that. There are 24 hours in that day and you just saw a minute of that day. So don't be judgmental, don't assume anything and don't write that person off... based on that minute. If she is your friend or family member take the time to call and check on them. Take the time to get together and spend some real time together. Sometimes just a phone call will do. All these things keep us socially connected the way it used to be.
Many times you don't ask someone out to coffee anymore because as I said before, you feel you are up to date with their lives based on what you saw on Facebook, or even on just a text. If you keep this up you will lose that friendship because a Facebook comment won't cut it... before you know it your whole relationship with that person has been void of an actual face to face conversation.
Romans 16:6 says: "Greet one another with a Holy Kiss"..... you can't really do that in this culture's social media. I don't care how many emoji's you use....its not the same...
Hope you hear some of your thoughts on this,
Have a blessed day,
Facebooks allows individuals that are socially awkward to connect with many different people and never leave the comfort of their home or phone. The reality of this is that you are still alone in your home and your relationship is with your phone! Yet you follow their pictures, their comments or the articles they post etc. You are deceived thinking that you know someone because you follow them on social media.
We are allowing our relationships to not go beyond the posts. We get our fill of information on family and friends by looking at their Facebook walls so there is no need to call them because you just liked their pics or posts or made a comment and you feel you are up to date with their lives. All the while again being deceived that you have a relationship with them.
The other issue is that people will judge you based on posts, articles, pictures etc. and never once did you have a real conversation about any of it...
One funny thing is when you run into someone that follows you and they mentioned something you posted weeks ago and you don't even remember it anymore! Then there is the person that doesn't like what you post and all of a sudden they stop all form of connection and you feel the cold shoulder loud and clear, or you see them like everyone else's comment or pictures but never yours. Then there is the other side where people get their feelings hurt if you don't like or comment or re paste something... Its all so crazy to me...
Don't get me wrong, I love that we have Face book because I use it as a tool to keep informed and I love seeing all the pictures of my family members that are so spread out and far away. I also love that I'm connected with friends that are all over the world whom otherwise I would never have known what is going on in their lives. Ah... But, the people in my life that I love and have a relationship with, FB is not my connection to them. I see them regularly, I have coffee or lunch or dinner with them or I speak to them over the phone and have actual conversations.
For many Facebook is depriving them of actual face to face interaction. Its creating a generation that is lacking social skills... an inability to speak to someone directly and see their expressions and recognize what those expressions mean. Many young people never make eye contact anymore because they are used to looking down at their phones for their "conversations".
We are losing the actual social encounter...
Then when we are in a setting with people around many are constantly looking at their phone instead of being present!
What you see on Facebook in terms of comments and pictures etc....is just a glimpse of someone's life and many times its not accurately represented. Its a moment of a day and a fleeting moment at that. There are 24 hours in that day and you just saw a minute of that day. So don't be judgmental, don't assume anything and don't write that person off... based on that minute. If she is your friend or family member take the time to call and check on them. Take the time to get together and spend some real time together. Sometimes just a phone call will do. All these things keep us socially connected the way it used to be.
Many times you don't ask someone out to coffee anymore because as I said before, you feel you are up to date with their lives based on what you saw on Facebook, or even on just a text. If you keep this up you will lose that friendship because a Facebook comment won't cut it... before you know it your whole relationship with that person has been void of an actual face to face conversation.
Romans 16:6 says: "Greet one another with a Holy Kiss"..... you can't really do that in this culture's social media. I don't care how many emoji's you use....its not the same...
Hope you hear some of your thoughts on this,
Have a blessed day,
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Lovely Cancer Healing Box
I am truly excited about our outreach coming up in May...
Last year I was diagnosed with a very large cyst in my left ovary. My doctor said I should have been doubled over with pain and I really had no pain. In the months past I had felt a couple of sharp pains very sporadically but nothing major. I did however think at the time, I need to get this check out...
When I received my diagnosis I was told I needed the cyst removed immediately because it was too large and that It would have to be tested for cancerous cells. A pretty normal procedure for a woman my age but especially so for a cyst that large.
A friend recommended my oncologist as she was dealing with similar issues but a little more extensive than mine. She had already been diagnosed with cancer cells.
Its amazing where the mind goes when you hear the word Cancer...
At my initial appointment with Dr. Fleming at MD Andersen, I felt like I was walking outside of myself. It felt weird...I entered the Center and immediately you get a hospital wrist band and it said MD Anderson Cancer Patient. That alone was strange. I remember looking at that bracelet while I waited for my turn to see the Doctor.
As I sat there I began to pray... I saw so many women with frightened faces. Some had the signs of cancer already visible on their faces and body. Many were alone and others had a friend with them. So many women dealing with this monstrous of a disease.
I could tell that some already knew each other as they entered the waiting room. For some of these women it was a daily or weekly routine of Chemo treatments.
My doctor was so caring and so gentle. She spent a good amount of time talking to me and explaining my procedure once the tests results came in. I left there feeling scared but confident that I would not have cancer. Harold and I had been praying diligently for a good report. My Kids and friends had been praying for me as well...
Nevertheless I battled in my mind with the possibilities that lay ahead. I entered a level of prayer and strength that the Grace of God was giving me.
The day of the surgery came upon us quickly after that and what I remember most was praying with my Doctor minutes before going into surgery. I held her hand and prayed over her. I then held the hand of my Anesthesiologist and prayed over him as well...
My cyst and ovaries were removed and there was no sign of cancer! Hallelujah!
Our desire at Lovely Box is to comfort and bring peace and joy to as many women as we can while they are going through their Chemo Treatment. I recall all those faces filled with worry and fear and it touched my heart tremendously. I have connected with my doctor's office and via her social worker we will be donating 25 boxes in May. We will be delivering them to the hospital social worker for her to hand them out to ladies while they sit and have their treatment on that particular day. Our goal is to donate these Lovely Boxes on a quarterly basis. We are praying for donations of goods that will go in each box. Items: Socks, Cancer Mints, Jewelry, Booklets, Journals, Make up samples,
chapstick etc.
A lovely friend of ours has crocheted some hats, (Jacque) - Thank you! Another friend donated some nail files, (Angelique) - Thank you! Bernal Consultants also made a donation! Thank you!!
If you would like to help please contact Leah Galdamez @ lovelybox15@gmail.com.
Join us in prayer over these boxes. As these lovely women began to open them we ask that the Holy Spirit fill them with hope, peace, joy, strength and assurance that they are loved and many people are praying for them. Let the scripture and prayers in the boxes inspire them. But most of all pray that they began to enter into a relationship with the Lord as they read the prayer for salvation in those boxes, the prayer for healing in those boxes and the love in which those boxes were created.
Have a blessed day!
Last year I was diagnosed with a very large cyst in my left ovary. My doctor said I should have been doubled over with pain and I really had no pain. In the months past I had felt a couple of sharp pains very sporadically but nothing major. I did however think at the time, I need to get this check out...
When I received my diagnosis I was told I needed the cyst removed immediately because it was too large and that It would have to be tested for cancerous cells. A pretty normal procedure for a woman my age but especially so for a cyst that large.
A friend recommended my oncologist as she was dealing with similar issues but a little more extensive than mine. She had already been diagnosed with cancer cells.
Its amazing where the mind goes when you hear the word Cancer...
At my initial appointment with Dr. Fleming at MD Andersen, I felt like I was walking outside of myself. It felt weird...I entered the Center and immediately you get a hospital wrist band and it said MD Anderson Cancer Patient. That alone was strange. I remember looking at that bracelet while I waited for my turn to see the Doctor.
As I sat there I began to pray... I saw so many women with frightened faces. Some had the signs of cancer already visible on their faces and body. Many were alone and others had a friend with them. So many women dealing with this monstrous of a disease.
I could tell that some already knew each other as they entered the waiting room. For some of these women it was a daily or weekly routine of Chemo treatments.
My doctor was so caring and so gentle. She spent a good amount of time talking to me and explaining my procedure once the tests results came in. I left there feeling scared but confident that I would not have cancer. Harold and I had been praying diligently for a good report. My Kids and friends had been praying for me as well...
Nevertheless I battled in my mind with the possibilities that lay ahead. I entered a level of prayer and strength that the Grace of God was giving me.
The day of the surgery came upon us quickly after that and what I remember most was praying with my Doctor minutes before going into surgery. I held her hand and prayed over her. I then held the hand of my Anesthesiologist and prayed over him as well...
My cyst and ovaries were removed and there was no sign of cancer! Hallelujah!
Our desire at Lovely Box is to comfort and bring peace and joy to as many women as we can while they are going through their Chemo Treatment. I recall all those faces filled with worry and fear and it touched my heart tremendously. I have connected with my doctor's office and via her social worker we will be donating 25 boxes in May. We will be delivering them to the hospital social worker for her to hand them out to ladies while they sit and have their treatment on that particular day. Our goal is to donate these Lovely Boxes on a quarterly basis. We are praying for donations of goods that will go in each box. Items: Socks, Cancer Mints, Jewelry, Booklets, Journals, Make up samples,
chapstick etc.
A lovely friend of ours has crocheted some hats, (Jacque) - Thank you! Another friend donated some nail files, (Angelique) - Thank you! Bernal Consultants also made a donation! Thank you!!
If you would like to help please contact Leah Galdamez @ lovelybox15@gmail.com.
Join us in prayer over these boxes. As these lovely women began to open them we ask that the Holy Spirit fill them with hope, peace, joy, strength and assurance that they are loved and many people are praying for them. Let the scripture and prayers in the boxes inspire them. But most of all pray that they began to enter into a relationship with the Lord as they read the prayer for salvation in those boxes, the prayer for healing in those boxes and the love in which those boxes were created.
Have a blessed day!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Lovely Box
Dear Lovely:
Recently we've experienced many tragedies in the world, the Paris Bombing and then the Brussels Bombing and we weep and struggle through the scenes depicted in the news. A week goes by and all is forgotten and we go on in our day to day lives without giving those individuals any more thought. Some think its just something that happens on the other side of the world and it really does not affect us much. We seem to be desensitized from the pain because thats the world we live in now and we see so much in movies and in the news that we don't really "Feel" anymore because it scares us to feel. That's our culture these days...
I am a giver at heart and have the gift of benevolence and compassion. Things around me touch my heart strings and I have to do something about it always. I try to the best of my ability to respond to my heart. Maybe thats why the Lord calls on me to respond to those around me.
Lovely Box Ministry is a unique way for me to reach out to hurting Women one at a time!
The Lord, over a year ago began to form this in my heart. At first I just pushed it away as I always do because it always scares me to take on "one more thing". But then I realized its not one more thing because I've laid everything I had been doing down and I was actually free to do whatever He had been placing in my heart.
I've worked in Women's Ministry for many years and I have served many ministries in this area. I know what it means to love women unconditionally even when you sometimes don't have a relationship with them or when they don't respond back to you. I also know what it means to have close girlfriends, faraway girlfriends etc...
We Women are a rare creature and not easily understood...
Lovely Box is a unique way for Churches, Women's Ministries, Hospital Ministries and Individuals to reach out via a "Special Gift" to a Friend, Mother, Daughter, Sister or Grandmother and let her know that she is Lovely and Loved!
We live in a world where Women are hurting and dealing with day to day issues all on their own. Via this Ministry, we want to encourage each woman in her time of need. Be it a joyful one or a painful one.
We need to teach our generation of Women that we have a responsibility to reach out to one another in love and compassion. I realize that some don't know how to do this and thats why we have created "Lovely Box". We will place in each gift box some beautiful items, like sunglasses, jewelry, cards, coffee, cosmetics etc. and we will also place specific prayers for Hope, Peace, Joy, Salvation, Healing etc.
Have you ever all of a sudden thought of someone and wondered how she was doing? Its been a long time since you spoke with her? Well thats called a nugget dropped in your heart to do something for that person.
One day you will be in need of a prayer, or you will be feeling alone and depressed or dealing with the weight of a problem on your shoulder. Can you imagine how you would appreciate it if that person that thought of you actually did something about that thought? It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of a lonely sister in Christ receiving a "Lovely Box" filled with Love and Compassion! Just knowing that she will be touched in her heart like never before knowing that someone actually thought of her and felt her important enough to thing of her. Maybe receiving that simple box is exactly what she needed to get through that day!
We have received testimony after testimony of how many have been reached and have felt so loved by the gesture. Then these same recipients payed it forward and ordered a box for someone in their life. This is what we are supposed to do towards each other... live with compassion and most importantly respond with compassion!
If we lock ourselves up in our homes and just live without purpose or intention then we will live very sad lives! That is certainly not the intention that God had for us when he created each one of us! He created us with a purpose and that purpose is most assuredly to Love one Another!
I hope you take the time to look at our website: www.Lovelybox.org
Order a Monthly Subscription Box for yourself or a Loved one or You can also order a "Specialty Box" for a friend or loved one depending on her need: Healing, Cancer, Birthday, Anniversary, Encouragement, Friendship, Grieving or Custom.
Be Blessed! Ruth
Recently we've experienced many tragedies in the world, the Paris Bombing and then the Brussels Bombing and we weep and struggle through the scenes depicted in the news. A week goes by and all is forgotten and we go on in our day to day lives without giving those individuals any more thought. Some think its just something that happens on the other side of the world and it really does not affect us much. We seem to be desensitized from the pain because thats the world we live in now and we see so much in movies and in the news that we don't really "Feel" anymore because it scares us to feel. That's our culture these days...
I am a giver at heart and have the gift of benevolence and compassion. Things around me touch my heart strings and I have to do something about it always. I try to the best of my ability to respond to my heart. Maybe thats why the Lord calls on me to respond to those around me.
Lovely Box Ministry is a unique way for me to reach out to hurting Women one at a time!
The Lord, over a year ago began to form this in my heart. At first I just pushed it away as I always do because it always scares me to take on "one more thing". But then I realized its not one more thing because I've laid everything I had been doing down and I was actually free to do whatever He had been placing in my heart.
I've worked in Women's Ministry for many years and I have served many ministries in this area. I know what it means to love women unconditionally even when you sometimes don't have a relationship with them or when they don't respond back to you. I also know what it means to have close girlfriends, faraway girlfriends etc...
We Women are a rare creature and not easily understood...
Lovely Box is a unique way for Churches, Women's Ministries, Hospital Ministries and Individuals to reach out via a "Special Gift" to a Friend, Mother, Daughter, Sister or Grandmother and let her know that she is Lovely and Loved!
We live in a world where Women are hurting and dealing with day to day issues all on their own. Via this Ministry, we want to encourage each woman in her time of need. Be it a joyful one or a painful one.
We need to teach our generation of Women that we have a responsibility to reach out to one another in love and compassion. I realize that some don't know how to do this and thats why we have created "Lovely Box". We will place in each gift box some beautiful items, like sunglasses, jewelry, cards, coffee, cosmetics etc. and we will also place specific prayers for Hope, Peace, Joy, Salvation, Healing etc.
Have you ever all of a sudden thought of someone and wondered how she was doing? Its been a long time since you spoke with her? Well thats called a nugget dropped in your heart to do something for that person.
One day you will be in need of a prayer, or you will be feeling alone and depressed or dealing with the weight of a problem on your shoulder. Can you imagine how you would appreciate it if that person that thought of you actually did something about that thought? It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of a lonely sister in Christ receiving a "Lovely Box" filled with Love and Compassion! Just knowing that she will be touched in her heart like never before knowing that someone actually thought of her and felt her important enough to thing of her. Maybe receiving that simple box is exactly what she needed to get through that day!
We have received testimony after testimony of how many have been reached and have felt so loved by the gesture. Then these same recipients payed it forward and ordered a box for someone in their life. This is what we are supposed to do towards each other... live with compassion and most importantly respond with compassion!
If we lock ourselves up in our homes and just live without purpose or intention then we will live very sad lives! That is certainly not the intention that God had for us when he created each one of us! He created us with a purpose and that purpose is most assuredly to Love one Another!
I hope you take the time to look at our website: www.Lovelybox.org
Order a Monthly Subscription Box for yourself or a Loved one or You can also order a "Specialty Box" for a friend or loved one depending on her need: Healing, Cancer, Birthday, Anniversary, Encouragement, Friendship, Grieving or Custom.
Be Blessed! Ruth
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