Dear Lovely:
Recently we've experienced many tragedies in the world, the Paris Bombing and then the Brussels Bombing and we weep and struggle through the scenes depicted in the news. A week goes by and all is forgotten and we go on in our day to day lives without giving those individuals any more thought. Some think its just something that happens on the other side of the world and it really does not affect us much. We seem to be desensitized from the pain because thats the world we live in now and we see so much in movies and in the news that we don't really "Feel" anymore because it scares us to feel. That's our culture these days...
I am a giver at heart and have the gift of benevolence and compassion. Things around me touch my heart strings and I have to do something about it always. I try to the best of my ability to respond to my heart. Maybe thats why the Lord calls on me to respond to those around me.
Lovely Box Ministry is a unique way for me to reach out to hurting Women one at a time!
The Lord, over a year ago began to form this in my heart. At first I just pushed it away as I always do because it always scares me to take on "one more thing". But then I realized its not one more thing because I've laid everything I had been doing down and I was actually free to do whatever He had been placing in my heart.
I've worked in Women's Ministry for many years and I have served many ministries in this area. I know what it means to love women unconditionally even when you sometimes don't have a relationship with them or when they don't respond back to you. I also know what it means to have close girlfriends, faraway girlfriends etc...
We Women are a rare creature and not easily understood...
Lovely Box is a unique way for Churches, Women's Ministries, Hospital Ministries and Individuals to reach out via a "Special Gift" to a Friend, Mother, Daughter, Sister or Grandmother and let her know that she is Lovely and Loved!
We live in a world where Women are hurting and dealing with day to day issues all on their own. Via this Ministry, we want to encourage each woman in her time of need. Be it a joyful one or a painful one.
We need to teach our generation of Women that we have a responsibility to reach out to one another in love and compassion. I realize that some don't know how to do this and thats why we have created "Lovely Box". We will place in each gift box some beautiful items, like sunglasses, jewelry, cards, coffee, cosmetics etc. and we will also place specific prayers for Hope, Peace, Joy, Salvation, Healing etc.
Have you ever all of a sudden thought of someone and wondered how she was doing? Its been a long time since you spoke with her? Well thats called a nugget dropped in your heart to do something for that person.
One day you will be in need of a prayer, or you will be feeling alone and depressed or dealing with the weight of a problem on your shoulder. Can you imagine how you would appreciate it if that person that thought of you actually did something about that thought? It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of a lonely sister in Christ receiving a "Lovely Box" filled with Love and Compassion! Just knowing that she will be touched in her heart like never before knowing that someone actually thought of her and felt her important enough to thing of her. Maybe receiving that simple box is exactly what she needed to get through that day!
We have received testimony after testimony of how many have been reached and have felt so loved by the gesture. Then these same recipients payed it forward and ordered a box for someone in their life. This is what we are supposed to do towards each other... live with compassion and most importantly respond with compassion!
If we lock ourselves up in our homes and just live without purpose or intention then we will live very sad lives! That is certainly not the intention that God had for us when he created each one of us! He created us with a purpose and that purpose is most assuredly to Love one Another!
I hope you take the time to look at our website:
Order a Monthly Subscription Box for yourself or a Loved one or You can also order a "Specialty Box" for a friend or loved one depending on her need: Healing, Cancer, Birthday, Anniversary, Encouragement, Friendship, Grieving or Custom.
Be Blessed! Ruth
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