Thursday, December 21, 2017


We are but a few days away from Christmas and the world is moving at a fast pace.....families are vacationing, some are shopping, some are facing illnesses, people are losing their jobs, some have lost their homes and the news we receive trickles down to us at an enormous pace.  We can hardly breathe with all the changes in our world...

We need to slow down our world.  I urge you to consider sitting still without your phone, or TV on and just breathe in and out for a bit and mediate on The Lord.  He is waiting for us always and we rush by him everyday.  

Today I chose to slow down my day....I was awaken by my granddaughter who wanted me to run downstairs to look for "Candy Cane",  he is their "Elf on a shelf".  Somehow he followed the girls to Pop and Yaya's house  (thats us) during their sleepover.  I first asked her to jump into my bed for a minute and we snuggled.  Then we went down to look for this mischievous elf that big sister had already strategically placed on our coffee table for Elly to see.  Our little Elly is 6 years old and she is still our baby girl in the family.  The excitement of finding Candy Cane is so real.  She squealed when she saw him!  I just felt joy watching her innocent face...

I then had my cup of coffee and Miss Elly had hot camomile tea (she is very english).   The next few hours we went out for breakfast and then a little christmas ornament shopping.  We also stopped by the Dollar store and the girls each picked up some fun trinkets.  We spent the rest of the day simply playing.  It was a very sweet day filled with laughter, squeals and love.  I'm so glad I placed everything I needed to do aside and just enjoy the day!

This made me reflect, and I picture Jesus waiting for me and when I come over to his presence he lays everything aside and spends the day with me.  He watches me with pure joy and I feel at rest in his presence...

We have chosen to slow this week down...spend time with Jesus in many different ways.  One new tradition is that on Christmas Eve we will stop as a family and partake in what we Christians should do regularly and that is in observing "Communion".   

What is communion?  It is a fellowship of believers by which they gather together to remember the sacrifice of the LORD Jesus Christ. ... It is a remembrance of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Communion uses bread as a symbol for Jesus’ body and wine as a symbol for His blood. ..

It is also a time when we should reflect on his return for us...

I would like to encourage you to have communion this Christmas...

Lets remember Him, after all isn't this season really about Jesus?

Merry Christmas!


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