There are nights that my thoughts keep me awake....I've been mulling this social media aspect of our lives and i've come to the conclusion that this really is a "non-Social" outlet. For those of us out there that know what it is to live without social media, in other words we have lived in this world when this was not in existence, I think it was a better world then, don't you? Although there are some advantages of Facebook, it keeps family and friends connected through comments and pictures but for the most part I think it is creating a world full of "Non Social" individuals.
Facebooks allows individuals that are socially awkward to connect with many different people and never leave the comfort of their home or phone. The reality of this is that you are still alone in your home and your relationship is with your phone! Yet you follow their pictures, their comments or the articles they post etc. You are deceived thinking that you know someone because you follow them on social media.
We are allowing our relationships to not go beyond the posts. We get our fill of information on family and friends by looking at their Facebook walls so there is no need to call them because you just liked their pics or posts or made a comment and you feel you are up to date with their lives. All the while again being deceived that you have a relationship with them.
The other issue is that people will judge you based on posts, articles, pictures etc. and never once did you have a real conversation about any of it...
One funny thing is when you run into someone that follows you and they mentioned something you posted weeks ago and you don't even remember it anymore! Then there is the person that doesn't like what you post and all of a sudden they stop all form of connection and you feel the cold shoulder loud and clear, or you see them like everyone else's comment or pictures but never yours. Then there is the other side where people get their feelings hurt if you don't like or comment or re paste something... Its all so crazy to me...
Don't get me wrong, I love that we have Face book because I use it as a tool to keep informed and I love seeing all the pictures of my family members that are so spread out and far away. I also love that I'm connected with friends that are all over the world whom otherwise I would never have known what is going on in their lives. Ah... But, the people in my life that I love and have a relationship with, FB is not my connection to them. I see them regularly, I have coffee or lunch or dinner with them or I speak to them over the phone and have actual conversations.
For many Facebook is depriving them of actual face to face interaction. Its creating a generation that is lacking social skills... an inability to speak to someone directly and see their expressions and recognize what those expressions mean. Many young people never make eye contact anymore because they are used to looking down at their phones for their "conversations".
We are losing the actual social encounter...
Then when we are in a setting with people around many are constantly looking at their phone instead of being present!
What you see on Facebook in terms of comments and pictures just a glimpse of someone's life and many times its not accurately represented. Its a moment of a day and a fleeting moment at that. There are 24 hours in that day and you just saw a minute of that day. So don't be judgmental, don't assume anything and don't write that person off... based on that minute. If she is your friend or family member take the time to call and check on them. Take the time to get together and spend some real time together. Sometimes just a phone call will do. All these things keep us socially connected the way it used to be.
Many times you don't ask someone out to coffee anymore because as I said before, you feel you are up to date with their lives based on what you saw on Facebook, or even on just a text. If you keep this up you will lose that friendship because a Facebook comment won't cut it... before you know it your whole relationship with that person has been void of an actual face to face conversation.
Romans 16:6 says: "Greet one another with a Holy Kiss"..... you can't really do that in this culture's social media. I don't care how many emoji's you use....its not the same...
Hope you hear some of your thoughts on this,
Have a blessed day,